Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Horseshoe Crab Orgy

I know it's been a while since I posted. I guess life got in the way. Anyway, today I have an interesting tale for you from our travels. Sit back and enjoy, and be glad you aren't a horseshoe crab!

As I sat on a bench taking pictures of the sunset, I saw these little legs and spiky tails flailing around in the breaks of the waves. After watching for a few minutes I realized they were horseshoe crabs. As the waves started to wash them up on the beach, I noticed they were coming in pairs, a big one on the bottom and a smaller one attached to its' back. At first I thought they were mommy and baby, but soon realized they were male and female mating. I quick got my GoPro and started filming them as the female would bury herself in the sand and the male was shifting around on her back. 

So I filmed this one couple work their way through the waves and come to shore. The female started burying herself then suddenly stopped. Next thing I know she's turning around and heading back into the river. I think she got to close to this other horseshoe crab couple that she didn't like.

One more tale from that night: At the end of the beach invasion a couple was struggling in the breaking waves. Just as they were being tossed on the beach, a wave came up and flipped them on their backs! Well, the female tried and tried to flip back over. When she was almost there, the male separated from her. Now, instead of trying to help her, he took off and started to horn in on another copulating couple and abandoned her! There she was, butt stuck in the sand, tail in her face. I tell you! When she finally flipped over, she took off back into the river, as fast as she could get away from him. Here is a picture story of this. 
Couple arrives on the beach.

Trying to flip over.

She uses her tail to trip and flip.

The male is hanging on for dear life.

The male breaks free.

The male flips himself.

Now the male is checking on his mate. You think he's going to help her, right?

WRONG! He abandons her for another.

See, he's trying to horn in on this other couple.

So now he tries to steal this female from her partner.

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