Thursday, November 13, 2014

Border Crossings Into Mexico: Walk, Ride or Take a Ferry

Along the border between the US and Mexico there are many towns to explore. Some are big cities, like Juarez and Persidio, others are small like Progresso and Los Algodones.

To enter any of the border towns, you can walk or drive. Walking across is easiest. Some are free to enter; others charge a small fee, like 50 cents. To drive across, you pay a toll, around $3.00, to enter. Returning to the states, if you walk you are usually in a long line with vendors trying to get that last sale of the day out of you. Smile at them and say "No gracias" and they will move on. Inside the customs building, you will need to show your passport and be asked if you have any alcohol, prescriptions, etc. Depending on what you have will depend if you pay a duty tax. We never brought anything back that required duty taxes. When you drive back, you are asked the same questions and may be chosen to have your car searched for contraband. This is a random choosing, and if you don't have any, then you have nothing to fear.

The most unique entrance method has to be Los Ebanos. You see, there is no bridge over the Rio Grande, but there is a nice flow of water in the river there. To go across to this charming little town you take a ferry, of sorts. For one dollar you can drive or walk. What makes this ferry unique in this day and age is that it's pulled across the river by a rope and pulley system. The ferry can only handle three cars at a time. Once loaded, the people on it then slowly pull this simple floating barge across the river.

Watching the ferry come across.

I paid my dollar just to watch. People were lined up to ride across and visit the town. From what I could see, once you land on the Mexico side, you have to walk into town. You are not on the main street with pharmacies, dentists and tourist shops.
 This is the Ferry Junction

Next time we pass this way, I will go across and visit the little town of Los Ebanos and take lots of pictures. In the meantime, enjoy this short video of Crossing the Rio Grande at Los Ebanos, Mexico

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