Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Hidden Treasures of Cocoa Village

Just before you cross the Indian River on the 528, take a right into Cocoa Village. A quaint shopping area, it's filled with unexpected treasures. Come walk with me as I explore a few of them.

Down on the main drag there are many little shops, but none are like the Space Coast Crafters. From jewelry to canvas bags, children's clothing to clever light fixtures, everything in the store is 100% handmade by local artisans.

Tucked away on a side street lies a pottery fairy tale of a shop. Harry and the Potter is filled with one of a kind hand made pottery creations. From fish (lots of fish) to pelicans to jars, you're sure to find that special someone a gift.

Harry Phillips creates the fish, pelicans and sea creatures. Eyca Moticska creates the jars, pots and lanterns you'll find inside. Everything in the quaint shop is made on the premises in the kiln they built.

Walk down the street a bit further and there is an old Masonic Lodge. Across the street is a beautiful depiction on life as it used to be in Florida.

Getting hungry? Pick one of the many restaurants. You can eat inside or out. Whatever you're craving, you are sure to find it. Colorful sandwich signs announce the specials as you walk down the street. Enjoy you lunch and then go out and explore some more.

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